Interviews with Cynthia Ware

Recently our executive director, Cynthia Ware, has found herself in the news on a few occasions. We’re glad to welcome her as a part of our team and looking forward to the church at large benefiting from her voice in the community.

She discussed ministry excellence with skill and poise in a recent piece from the State of Ministry Online. Asked about the definition of excellence in online ministry, Cynthia had this to say:

Excellence used to be about making your blog spectacular, but now we are seeing many more evolutionary and collaborative open source efforts. Sometimes online excellence is seen when someone has taken the initiative and laid the foundation for others to follow.

She was also quoted recently in Faith in San Antonio as well, discussing the delicate challenge of making wise decisions about when to embrace new technologies.

We look forward to Cynthia’s continued role in helping the church balance technology and effective communication.